So far I've slept a lot. I'm averaging two naps a day. I'm only averaging .5 showers a day because the water in this hostel is either boiling hot or ice cold, occasionally straying into tepid if you're lucky.
This is what the Happy House Hostel looks like.
On Sundays Chileans eat a long lunch with their mothers. No mothers were present at our lunch but it was definitely long, lasting about three hours. The best part was the vino navegado, a Chilean version of mulled wine that is excellent and greatly increases the likelihood of a food coma.
This is what the end of a three-hour lunch looks like.
After lunch we took a bus up to the top of San Cristobal, a big hill in the middle of the city. After nearly killing apparently have the pedestrian population of Santiago, we climbed the last little bit on foot, up to the statue of la Virgen.
We've been slowly venturing out into the city at night, expect more on that topic in the next post. For now, adios.
thanks for the photos! and the Rumi quote :)